Vicky Please! (Part 2)

An educated, career-oriented girl coming from his shared Sindhi community, possessing a desirable height and complexion, Sheetal appeared to be good on paper. A photograph attached with the bio-data validated her appearance; Sheetal was substantially beautiful. 

Upon their meeting at the café, she aptly fitted Vicky’s template of an ideal woman. Her personality and looks, and the overall aura charmed him, and upon returning home after the meeting, Vicky told his parents that he has chosen his bride. 

After a successful movie date the following week, two more meet-ups over drinks, and numerous phone calls and video calls later, Vicky and Sheetal got engaged. 

He loved her, and wanted to be near her all the time. On her part, she displayed genuine affection in retaliation. Vicky was charmed. But there was one thing he found troubling – every time he tried to touch her, she moved away. Initially, he connected it with the age-old practice of chastity attached to the second sex, but after half a bunch of failed attempts, he began to find it weird. However, Vicky waved it off, reminding himself that not all women are same, that different women, no matter the amount of sexual experience, act differently when it comes to their marital relationship. 

Sex itself is seen as a taboo in the Indian society and talking about it openly is considered a felony, more so in the case of women. Vicky understood this well and so, concluded that Sheetal might be controlling herself like most Indian women who follow two entirely different approaches in casual dating and marital relationships since the latter demands more formality and comes with a protocol to be followed on their part. As a result, Vicky tried to make Sheetal as comfortable as possible by telling her about his former relationships, hinting every time at his open-mindedness, thereby wishing that she drops her shy and hesitant self. But nothing worked. He gave up thinking that she might need more time, blamed it on her introversion, and hoped that things will change after marriage. Vicky waited patiently. 

After a month of courtship, Vicky and Sheetal married each other. The ceremony was attended by a battalion of relatives from both sides, and was a successful, controversy-free affair. Vicky looked forward to consummate his marriage with Sheetal. 

On their wedding night, he planned to woo her with his Vicky Special charm, but to his surprise, she complained of fatigue, and slept on one corner of the bed, keeping a pillow in the middle, as a sort of wall separating the two sides. Vicky felt sad but not hopeless. 

He waited for the next day when the couple would be departing on their honeymoon. However, on the first day of their week-long affair, Sheetal got her periods. She informed him of her PCOD condition that had made her menstrual cycle irregular, thus, making her receive periods after months upon which she menstruated for almost a fortnight. Vicky was frustrated but maintained his calm. 

The two, nonetheless, spent their time exploring Netherlands, visiting sites and art houses, spending their time talking to each other on various subjects like, art, politics, and philosophy in general. By the night, as they returned to their hotel room, Sheetal complained of tiredness and mild period cramps in her belly, and slept on her side of the bed. The pillow remained in its place- in the middle of the bed. Vicky waited patiently. 

Almost a month passed away, but Sheetal remained the same - oblivious to Vicky's desires; living a routine marital life except for one important thing that fulfills the idea of marriage. 

“Is she naïve enough to not understand the importance of sex in marriage or is she refraining from consummation on purpose to bring out some personal vendetta against me?” Vicky wondered. 

He enquired from her, asking directly if he has angered Sheetal in some way but she laughed it off, denying any sort of offence on his part. 

“The job exhausts me to the core. I am just tired and need my sleep,” she said in a voice that amalgamated a demand and a request in equal proportions. She then rubbed his arm with her hand, looked at him in the eyes and smilingly said, “Vicky, Please!” He, as a result, obliged without further arguments. 



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